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News and articles


  • 2023 Positive Cardiometabolic Health updates
    The algorithm has been updated for adolescents and adults for Australia and UK.

Adolescent Positive Cardiometabolic Health Resource
Adult Positive Cardiometabolic Health Resource


United Kingdom

Positive Cardiometabolic Health Resource - Lester UK Adaptation

  • Finnish Algorithm: A Finnish version of the algorithm is now available. Download now.

  • Keeping the Body in Mind - The Lived ExperienceKeeping the Body In Mind (KBIM) seeks to address the physical health and wellbeing of mental health service users through evidence-based and person centred lifestyle interventions. This latest video communicates individual perspectives and experiences of their KBIM journey.

  • Portuguese HeAL Declaration: A Portuguese version of the HeAL Declaration is now available. Download now.

  • Portuguese Algorithm: A Portuguese version of the algorithm is now available. Download now.

  • French HeAL Declaration: A French version of the HeAL Declaration is now available. Download now.

  • Swedish Algorithm: A Swedish version of the algorithm is now available. Download now.

  • y-QUIT: Most young people who experience psychosis want to quit smoking but may need extra support to do so. y-QUIT: Keeping Your Body in Mind is a guide for you people experiencing psychosis or other mental health issues & want to quit smoking. Download the brochure.

  • An iphYs Conference was held in Boston in October 2018. Find out more. View images from the conference.

  • The algorithm for positive cardiometabolic health for people with intellectual disability is now available.

  • The iphYs meeting in Boston will happen on October 11, 2018, at the end of the IEPA event. Find out more - including accommodation deals.

  • There is now an online resource for Right from the Start. The latest version of the brochure is also available there.

  • Call for papers for iphYs meeting in Boston, October 2018 

  • Right from the Start brochure is now available as a resource for people in New South Wales, Australia.

  • Right from the Start resource launched in the UK
    A resource to empower service users to ask their Mental Health Team or GP surgery for support to improve their physical health in the critical early treatment phase of psychosis when seeds of poor future health may be sewn. Linking with the Lester tool, this resource has been created by service users & practitioners from Greater Manchester West Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust. March 2016.


  • Evaluating an individualized lifestyle and life antipsychotic-induced weight gain in skills intervention to prevent first-episode psychosis 2015 paper demonstrating that lifestyle intervention can prevent weight gain in youth with psychosis






Linking the Body and Mind podcast on ABC Radio National May 19th 2013
Guest presenters include Julio De La Torre, Janelle Abbott, Dr Jackie Curtis and Dr David Shiers.


'Keeping the Body in Mind' video - Bondi, Australia.

Rethink Mental Illness-National Psychosis Summit resources - You can watch videos of people with lived experience and keynote speakers, and read presentations from the National Psychosis Summit. 

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